Free Helpline
Open 7 Days a Week
Free Support Groups & Services:
All CSN support groups are currently meeting on Zoom, except those designated with red asterisks: ***. Using Zoom, we are able to include individuals who live outside Bernalillo County. In addition, we are able to support individuals while they are going through treatment, as they can attend groups from home. For those of you who struggle with computers in general, or Zoom in particular, we are happy to assist you in learning how to join us remotely. Please contact Anjie Cureton at 505-925-0104 if you are choosing to join a support group and need help using Zoom.
To join a group, or to learn which group and/or services might support you best, please call our Helpline. When you decide on which group feels right for you, we will connect you with the group facilitator who will send you a zoom invitation to join the group or will explain where the group will meet. For all those who are unable to use a web-based platform, you may use any cell or landline phone to call in and participate in any of these groups by phone. For those of you who would like our other free services, just call the Helpline.
Please call our Helpline for direct and/or ongoing support for patients/survivors and/or loved ones challenged by cancer and/or to be referred to one of our groups or services: 505-255-0405.
Cancer Support Now Groups & Services
LGBTQ+ Peer Support
Deb Openden and Jeffrey Hurley
Call our Helpline to be connected.
Pancreatic Cancer Support Group
Patients/Survivors and/or Caregivers of pancreatic cancer
All stages, men & women
2nd & 4th Thursday, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Jim Pitcher & Lillie Ortiz
Pueblo of Isleta Health Education Presentations ****
2nd Tuesday, at alternating times:12:30-2 p.m.*or* 5-6:30 p.m.
and alternating meeting sites:
Isleta Health Center *or* Isleta Elders Center
Please call Stephanie Barela at 505-869-4479 to learn more.
Women's Cancer Support Group
Women only, all diagnoses. Caregivers welcome.
Every other Thursday, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Geri Stayman
Sandia Cancer Support Group ****
Survivors, all cancers, all stages, men and women
2nd Wednesday, Noon- 1:00 p.m., Sandia Base
Christina Chavez
Santa Fe Women’s Group, Surviving Sisters
All diagnoses, all stages, all women
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 4:00- 5:30 p.m.
Ms. Fred, Emily Haozous & Elizabeth Harris
U27 (Under 27 Years Old)
3rd Wednesday, Meeting place/time TBD
Kimberley Craft
UNM/CSN Survivors Writing Together
Journaling Support Group for survivors,
men & women, all diagnoses, all stages
Every Monday, 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Anjie Cureton & Eleanor Schick
UNM/CSN Advanced Cancer Survivors Writing Together
Journaling Support Group for survivors with metastatic cancer,
men & women, all diagnoses
Every Tuesday, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Anjie Cureton & Eleanor Schick
UNM/CSN Friends & Family Writing Together
Journaling Support Group for Grief or Anticipatory Grief
For caregivers of someone with any type of cancer
Every Thursday, 4:00- 5:30 p.m.
Eleanor Schick & Anjie Cureton
Taos Cancer Support ***
Survivors of all cancers, all stages, men and women
Meets every Tuesday, 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Mary Short and Coby Senescu
Call Christy Elliott at Taos Cancer Support Office: 575-751-8927
Create to Heal
Using art, music, writing, meditation to explore the journey of cancer
Survivors and/or caregivers, all diagnoses, men or women
One-on-one sessions, by appointment
Patricia Varga
Call our Helpline for more information
One-on-One Peer Cancer Support or Peer Matching:
Survivor to Survivor and/or Caregiver to Caregiver (by phone)
Community Cancer Navigation
Referrals to assistance for non-medical needs
For patients/survivors and/or their loved ones
Call our Helpline for more information
Relaxation Support Sessions provided by phone
Learn Stress Management Techniques to Deal with Cancer
For cancer patients/survivors, and/or their caregivers
Offered by Jean Stouffer, Certified Hypnotherapist
Call our Helpline for more information
Smoking Cessation
Patricia Torn on Zoom or by phone
Call our Helpline for more information
Caregiver Support (Educational Sessions)
Patricia Torn on Zoom or by phone
Call our Helpline for more information
Community Partners
Prostate Cancer Support Association of New Mexico (PCSANM)
First & third Saturday, Now available on Zoom or in person.
505-254-7784 or Toll Free: 800-278-7678
The Gynecological Awareness Project
(All Meetings Currently on Zoom)
2nd Saturday 10:00- 11:30 a.m. - Circles of Hope - Support Group for
Survivors of all Gyn Cancers
4th Saturday 10:00-11:30 a.m. - Topic Discussion for Survivors/Caregivers
of ALL Cancers
Call for info: Kat Adams at (505)610-9300; Email: kat@thegcap.org
For Upcoming Schedule, go to: www.thegcap.org
Head, Neck & Esophageal Cancer Support Group
Men & women, all stages
2nd & 4th Mondays, 4:00- 5:00 p.m.
Call Jess Quiring: 1-913-991-8848
Community Gift Closet for Cancer Patients
Free wigs, scarves, head coverings, bras & breast prostheses
Wednesdays, 1:30- 3:30 p.m.
All cancer patients are welcome
New Mexico Cancer Center: 505-842-8171
Young Breast Cancer Survivors Support Group
Yoga for Cancer Survivors
Call Sandra Arellano, Lovelace Breast Nurse Navigator: 505-727-6933
for Survivors & Caregivers, men & women, in person, by appointment.
Call Deanna Flores, Nurse Navigator, Lovelace Cancer Center: 505-727-3041
Cancer Services of New Mexico
Family Cancer Retreat, Spring & Fall, call Janet: 505-288-0331
Legal, Insurance & Paperwork Assistance Program (LIPA)
Sonya Pierce - phone: 505-999-9764 email: LIPA@cancerservicesnm.org
Support for those with genetic mutations: <https://www.facingourrisk.org/>
Peer Support in New Mexico: Lou Wilburn: 505-507-3347
Renegades: Blood Cancer Support Group
All blood Cancers, men and women, all stages
In collaboration with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Second Saturday, 9:30 - 11:00 am
Call Jamie McDonald: 505-291-2006.
This is a hybrid group: in person, by telephone or computer.
Albuquerque NETS (Neuroendocrin/Carcinoid Support Group
Contact Terry Nelson: 505-269-4641 or nls306@aol.com
Program sponsored by the Cancer Foundation for New Mexico and underwritten by Stephen and Jane Hochberg. A FREE ONLINE WRITING WORKSHOP based on (but not limited by) the life-changing diagnosis of cancer This workshop for cancer patients and survivors offers "expressive writing" as a way of healing. While writing may not cure, it can heal, according to scientific studies. Especially in this time of great uncertainty, writing and sharing our stories with others on parallel paths will be our avenue to reclaim our voices, and reconnect with our lives. Everyone is welcome: if you have never written, or if you have always written 4 THURSDAYS 2023 (ON ZOOM): November 2, 9, 16, 30 (We skip Thanksgiving week) 3:00 P.M – 5 P.M. Mountain Time
Land of Enchantment Multiple Myeloma Group
Men & Women: Patients, Caregivers & Adult Family Members***
1st Wednesday each month , 11:00-12:30pm
Contact: Susan Benjamin: 505.690.4597 or < Benjamin4@cybermesa.com>
Or John DeFlice: 505. 795.4323 or <jdeflice@gmail.com>
More info here
Ostomate Support Group of Central New Mexico
This is a support group for individuals living with an ostomy and their caregivers and families. It is also for those who may need to have an ostomy and want to learn more about it.
North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center on the Second Saturday at 1 PM.
Call Barbara D'Amore at 505-797-4388
More info here
Survivors or Caregivers of all cancers, all stages, men & women
In person: 4th Saturday, 10:00 am to Noon
Virtually the following Monday, 6:00 pm ***
Call or text Maricela Sandoval: 505-453-1789 or email: <cancerwarriors.desert.sw@gmail.com> or
Call or text: Jackie Mattila at 952-807-5515